Ouray, Colorado may very well be the most picturesque town in Western America. That may even be an understatement.
Ouray Courthouse. Used in the original True Grit film. |
in the middle of a gorgeous craggy rock mountain range speckled
with evergreen and aspen trees, the town boasts a main street that feels
like it's right out of the early 1900s. In fact, most of the buildings
are original, some gloriously restored such as the Beaumont Hotel and
the Wright Opera House. The town began in the late 1800s as a result of
the gold rush and grew when the railroad expanded their tracks to reach
up into the mountains. The town's mining tradition continues and the
rich minerals in the area are clearly visable in the Uncompagre River.
View of Mountains from the Main Street |
Uncompagre River |
Aspens Dressed in Gold |
View of Shasta Mt. from the "Million Dollar Highway" |
Waterfalls and hiking trails abound in the area. Even if you aren't
physically fit enough to do any extreme hiking there are many beautiful
waterfalls that you drive to. Cascade falls can be scene from the main street. Speaking of extreme though, the popular
sport in the area is ice climbing. Ouray has it's own ice park
that is maintained throughout the colder months. Regular outdoor rock
climbing is definitely available too...everywhere! I was
driven slightly
crazy, having been bitten by the rock bug when I started climbing in
college, to not be able to get up and out into the climbing places while
I was there but have since sworn to return and do just that.
I could go on and on about this place. I fell in love from the minute we rounded a mountain into town and my awe never faded. If you can go, just go visit. It is also becoming a popular location for destination weddings as well and accommodates nicely for them. If you are looking for the perfect mountain escape, you've found a gem with Ouray, Colorado.